Thursday, 20 December 2012

Audience Feedback - Draft 2 + Final

Audience Reaction Sheet- Second Cut:

Q1) The film contains a variety of shot size/angles
Strongly Agree(4)/Agree(3)/Partly Agree(1)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q2) The camera is steady where appropriate 
Strongly Agree(3)/Agree(3)/Partly Agree(2)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q3) Shots are well framed
Strongly Agree(4)/Agree(2)/Partly Agree(2)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q4) The mise-en-scene selected is appropriate
Strongly Agree(1)/Agree(7)/Partly Agree(1)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q5) Appropriate transitions have been used
Strongly Agree(2)/Agree(4)/Partly Agree(1)/Disagree(1)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q6) Sound levels are consistent and audible in the film
Strongly Agree(0)/Agree(7)/Partly Agree(0)/Disagree(1)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q7) Titles have been used appropriately
Strongly Agree(3)/Agree(4)/Partly Agree(1)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q8) The film belongs to Horror/Thriller genre

Q9)The film makes sense
Strongly Agree(1)/Agree(4)/Partly Agree(2)/Disagree(1)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q10) Rate the film on a scale of 1-10
1  2  3  4  5  6  7(2)  8(1)  9(4)  10(1)

Q11) Suggest three improvements to make the film better


Audience Reaction Sheet- Final Cut

Q1) The film contains a variety of shot size/angles
Strongly Agree(5)/Agree(4)/Partly Agree(0)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q2) The camera is steady where appropriate 
Strongly Agree(4)/Agree(4)/Partly Agree(1)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q3) Shots are well framed
Strongly Agree(1)/Agree(6)/Partly Agree(2)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q4) The mise-en-scene selected is appropriate
Strongly Agree(4)/Agree(4)/Partly Agree(1)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q5) Appropriate transitions have been used
Strongly Agree(3)/Agree(5)/Partly Agree(1)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q6) Sound levels are consistent and audible in the film
Strongly Agree(3)/Agree(3)/Partly Agree(3)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q7) Titles have been used appropriately
Strongly Agree(5)/Agree(3)/Partly Agree(1)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q8) The film belongs to Action/Thriller genre

Q9)The film makes sense
Strongly Agree(5)/Agree(4)/Partly Agree(0)/Disagree(0)/Strongly Disagree(0)

Q10) Rate the film on a scale of 1-10
1  2  3  4  5  6  7(4)  8(5)  9  10

Q11) Suggest three improvements to make the film better 

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