Our story has a restricted narrative, which means that the audience will not be aware of our antagonist's identity.The audience will not be aware of his identity until the end of the movie.
- Protagonist gets home
- Looks around his house (House is a mess)
- Shouts his brothers name.
- Receives a phone call (From his brother’s phone)
- Person on the phone is the antagonist which tells him that his brother is kidnapped
- Receives details about how to retrieve his brother
Continued Narrative
- Goes to his room and packs a suitcase with a contract and his business documents
- Starts to move towards the antagonist’s location while he is on the bus
- Looks at a picture of him and his brother on his phone
- Steps inside a dark room and spots his brother tied to a chair with a bag over his head
- Signs the business contract and gives it to the antagonist
- Antagonist hits the protagonist in the back of the head with his gun and leaves the room
- Protagonist gets up and unties his brother to find out that he is actually a stranger
- Runs out of the room chasing the masked antagoni
- Antagonist spots the protagonist and starts shooting
- Protagonist hides behind cover until the antagonist runs out of ammunition
- Starts chasing him
- Eventually catches up to him
- Barges him to the ground
- Protagonist takes of the antagonist’s mask
- To find out that…….
Restored Equilibrium
- That his brother is the antagonist
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