Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Date: 20/09/2012                    Production Company: BondZ Productions
Director: Alex                          Production Crew: Zahid, Mahfuz, Alex

Working title: Bound by Blood
Medium: Film
5 Minutes

Our working title, Bound by blood, is about a young man aged 20, who has gained a high status and wealth through his deceased father’s businesses. They were left to him on his father’s will. The story starts when the protagonist (young man) gets home from work and realizes his house is in a mess. Presuming that he was burgled, He shouts his brother’s name to see if he is still at home since he was expecting him there. Suddenly, he receives a call from his brother’s phone but to his surprise, the person at the other end of the call, is not his brother. Cautiously, the stranger tells him that his brother has been kidnapped and that if he wanted him back safe, he would have to pay the price. Shocked and clueless, the protagonist hastily takes note of the details from the stranger and sets on a mission to retrieve his brother.

Description of Content
Bound by blood is a thriller/action short film which is about two brothers who live two different lives. One who is wealthy and owns many worldwide businesses and the other who is living in the shadow of his successful brother. The story escalates when the protagonist, in this case, the successful brother, return home from work and realizes that his house is in a mess and that his brother isn’t at home. Shocked, he tries to reassure himself by calling for his brother to make sure he is safe. To his relief, he receives a call from his brothers cell-phone, however, the person on the other line, is not his brother. Fixed to the voice of the caller, he learns that his brother has been kidnapped and he can only get him back if he paid a price.
Taking note of the significant details, the protagonist finds his brother but he is tied to a chair, with a bag over his face and a masked man holding a gun to his head. The masked stranger, requested that protagonist signed all his business contracts to him and in return he would free his brother, unharmed. Desperate to free his brother the protagonist signs all his wealth to the masked man. Suddenly, the masked man smashes his gun on the protagonist head, disorienting his concentration and fleeing.
The protagonist runs towards the hostage and he gratefully unties his brother. However, when he takes the bag off, he recognizes that it’s not his brother. Puzzled and losing hope for his brother’s life, the protagonist chases the masked man, avoiding oncoming rounds of bullets. Luckily, the masked man runs out ammunition and is charged onto the ground. Finally, the protagonist curious of who the stranger is, pull the mask of the man. To his disbelief, he is distraught to find out that it was his brother all along.

The primary purpose of our short film is to entertain both the audience and ourselves; we believe we can achieve this because our storyline is similar to that of thriller and action genres. Our short film will also appeal to a mass audience who are highly entertained by this type of genre.
Our secondary purpose is to underline the fact that money can break even the strongest bonds within a family, in this case, the bond between two brothers who have supported each other since their father’s death.

Target audience
Our main target audience is aged in-between 15-24; this is because our genre is very popular amongst this age. Our audience is not fixed to a specific gender; however, we believe that males will be more interested in our film since it contains aspects of the action genre. However, in terms of the emotional status of the protagonist, the female members of our audience may feel more sympathy towards our main character.

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