Thursday, 25 October 2012

Film Review Content Alex

Transporter 3 Film Review by Empire Magazine (
Throughout the review empire magazine are using very formal language and talking in 3rd person, the critic mainly focuses on the actor’s performances as Frank Martin (Statham)  didn’t perform in many films and his actor career has just started recently. However the critic believes that the director ignored the importance of secondary characters such us Natalya Rudakova’s Valentin. He uses character quotes to bring humour into the review. He criticises the director and he outlines the good parts of the plot which he could have “overused” or improved. He mainly talks about Frank as an actor and his potential as an actor however he believes that this movie is a step back in his acting career. He uses a variety of formal vocabulary to describe the underperformance of the actors and the directors.  He talks about previous works by the director and the franchise.  He then goes into talking about the plot in relation to the genre and says. The verdict tends to be a short four to five line paragraph in which the reviewer explains the strengths and flaws of this movie.

Rotten Tomatoes Transporter 3 Review ( Unlike other magazines rotten tomatoes take a different approach to reviewing movies, the very top paragraph would a brief summary of the movie what happens in it and who is part of the project e.g. actors, director and producers. However there’s more than one person writing the review article it is usually a very high number of critics and they don’t do a full review if they do not like the movie then they give is a negative rating and only talk about what made the movie unenjoyably for them however if they like it they will give it a tomato and say what they did enjoy about the movie and sometimes suggestions as to how they could improve it, based on the amount of rotten tomatoes and tomatoes the film gets it will add up to its percentage and then the audience would grasp an idea of what most professional critics think which is a really great way to approach when reviewing a movie as sometimes it’s hard to criticise a movies based on one’s opinion.

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